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Registration -
What are the steps to
becoming a LPELL student?


  1. ​Make a phone call to (863) 464-0559 and request a Registration Packet.  Your questions can be answered at that time, too! (We can help with Florida State Scholarships, as well!)

  2. Fill out the forms and set up an    interview for your student and parent.  This takes about 45 mins. where we discuss our "Code of Conduct" and Community Service requirements.  Of course, any questions can be answered then as well!

  3. Once accepted, please pay the Registration Fee and the first month's tuition.  Your student is ALL SET and ready to start his/her FIRST day at LPELL!  Woohoo!

Meet for an Interview with Teachers
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Top View of Kids Playing

“The expert in anything was once a beginner.” 

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